Saturday, March 19, 2016

Majestic Animals

       Once I was at the zoo and stuff, and like, I saw the gazelles. I just like, jumped down and stuff, and took a gazelle home. I put it in my room, and somehow it got out and fell down the stairs. Just imagine that.
Then, I burnt it and glued clocks all over it and pinned it to a wall.  Then I threw an axe at its head. Then I ate it for breakfast. Mmm, sad gazelle.
       The next day I found a guy selling roosters filled with cotton candy (only the pink kind) out of the back of his truck like marijuana. I bought one and named it Lashandra and I hung it on my wall. Then I found a seagull on the bay and called it a bagel and then ate it with cream cheese and then played chess with its bones. Gerty, my cat, was playing a game on my cell phone called texture.johnra.png and it looked like this:
Click to see what it looks like (no scams)
       Then I met this dog named Randy, and it helped me eat some ducks. Then a war happened between the clay tables and the stale nickles. Then, I saw a penguin and adopted it. The end.